October 21st set as the date for the Planning Inquiry

The public inquiry into whether planning permission should be granted for the building of houses on the land north of St George’s Road is being held (by Microsoft Teams) on Wednesday October 21st.  It starts at 1000.

Two applications are being considered:

– PROPOSAL A: Residential development of up to 26 dwellings (of which 50% would be affordable) with associated car parking, access, internal roads, public open space (including retention of the existing WWII Pill Box), landscaping, drainage and other associated infrastructure.

– PROPOSAL B: residential development of up to 20 entry level affordable dwellings with associated car parking, access, internal roads, public open space, landscaping, drainage and other associated infrastructure.

The Inspector says that he is not proposing to hear detailed evidence on housing land supply and his preliminary views about the main issues in this appeals are:

[i] for Appeal A, whether the proposed development would be in an appropriate location, having regard to the development plan and national policies relating to housing; and

[ii] for both appeals, the effect of the proposals on the character and appearance of the surrounding area, with particular regard to size and relationship with the settlement of Semington.

The Parish Council has registered to make a submission at the inquiry.  This will reiterate its opposition to developing this field for housing.


The Planning Inspectorate references are:

APPEAL A    APP/Y3940/W/19/3236860

APPEAL B    APP/Y3940/W/20/3253180